This site is owned and operated by Your privacy on the Internet is of the utmost importance to me. At, I want to make your experience online satisfying and safe.
Because I gather certain types of information about users of this site, I feel you should fully understand the policy and the terms and conditions surrounding the capture and use of that information. This privacy statement discloses what information I gather and how I use it.
INFORMATION GATHERS AND TRACKS gathers information about users when they create their accounts.
Users of the site must register in order to keep decks, post decks, post comments, use
the tagboard, and use the card database. During registration the user is required to
supply a username and valid email address.
In addition, when you log in, the time and ip address you are logging in from is logged.
Consistent with the Federal Children's Online Privacy Protection Act of 1998 (COPPA), we will never knowingly request personally identifiable information from anyone under the age of 13 without requesting parental consent.
USE OF INFORMATION requires a valid email address for two reasons:
- Your initial password is sent to the email address to complete the sign-up process.
If you forget that password at anytime, you can have a new password automatically emailed to the same address.
- If there is ever any maintenance problem or upgrade to the site that requires user notification (has yet to happen) the email address will be sent a copy of the notification.
SHARING OF THE INFORMATION will not share information about individual users with anyone, except to comply with applicable law or valid legal process or to protect the personal safety of our users or the public.
By using this site, you consent to the collection and use of this information
by If I decide to change the privacy policy (not likely), I will post
those changes on this page so that you are always aware of what information
I collect, how I use it, and under what circumstances I disclose it.